Aux Taxi charges a minimum of $5 per person per rideshare Dallas for a distance of 5 miles. Thereafter, it is $0.79 per person per rideshare in Dallas Texas.
To report any concerns and complaints, please contact at 214-670-3161 or by dialing 3-1-1 from your phone. You’re also welcome to call Aux Taxi directly with any concerns or feedback at 972-734-8200.
Aux Taxi and its parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates ("Aux Taxi") strictly adhere to the regulations codified in Sec. 2402.106 of the Transportation Network Companies Operations Code, as administered by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Aux Taxi maintains Zero Tolerance policy for intoxicating substances. We perform ongoing drug and alcohol testing, extensive criminal background checks, and require ongoing defensive driving education.
Choose Aux Taxi for your Dallas rideshare rental needs, and experience the difference of traveling in luxury!